Devotionals,  Spiritual,  Women's Issues

Stop Fighting When God is Fixing!


Yesterday, my family hosted our Life group for a 4th of July cookout and fireworks EXTRAVAGANZA!  

In the chaos of getting ready for this “Riley Party of 60,” we heard the loud and unmistakable chirp of a baby bird somewhere in our garage. 

As I followed the sound, I soon discovered the terrified little fella sitting between some old boxes. 

I tried to swoop down and take him back to the nest in the nearby windowsill where I knew he had originated, but his chirps became louder and his wings began to flail. 

At almost the exact moment my hands would have lifted him from his harrowing predicament, he managed to wedge himself behind our deep freezer. 

The next few hours resulted in moving yard sale boxes, chairs, coolers, helmets and other miscellaneous JUNK out of the way so that I could get behind the freezer and rescue this helpless little rascal. 

FINALLY, enough stuff was moved to actually get my eyes on him and he once again began flailing until he crawled into a hole in the freezer that led straight to the electrical wiring.

I could just picture it now…

Our guests arrive to the party and are welcomed by the irrefutable sounds of sizzling baby bird!

I was mortified!

I couldn’t understand it! 

I wanted to SCREAM at this precocious little sack of feathers and say, “You stupid bird!  Don’t you realize that I’m trying to help you?  Stop running away from me and you will live.  Keep fighting me, and you will die in the fiery innards of a deep freezer!”


And then, it hit me like a ton of bricks…


I was just like this stinkin’ bird. 

I’m the one who always tries to fix my own problems. 

As much as I know I should, I just can’t trust. 

I’ve been hurt. 

Not just once.

Trust is difficult.

And I just can’t do it.  I can’t even trust my Savior!

To God, I must look just like this helpless little robin burrowing in the crevices of my freezer.  He’s reaching out, trying desperately to save me, but my fear cripples me. 

Instead of just leaping into His loving and compassionate hands, I run. 

I hide. 

I cry.

I fix. 

And I put myself in grave danger…  Just like this little bird.

Oh, how I need to be still and know the God of Psalm 46:10! 

Oh, how my heart needs renewal!

 But oh, how I just can’t do it. 

Maybe that little bird suspected that if I grabbed him, it would hurt.  And he’s probably right.  His tiny little innocent wings had never been touched by a human hand and the thought of it had to be terrifying. 

Perhaps someone had already hurt him. 

Maybe his Mama (in her own birdie language) had warned him about trusting someone bigger and stronger.  The great and scary HUMAN!   

I see why he wanted to run.   I get it… 

I get it because I am that bird.


The ending to our crazy bird tale is that finally, the bird got tired and I placed him safely back into the nest from which he had fallen. 

And then, dear friend, the most beautiful thing happened. 

Within five minutes of placing him back into the comfort of his home, Mama Bird landed on the windowsill, worm in mouth, and fed this precious baby the life-giving nourishment it so desperately needed; the food that it never would have gotten had it stayed behind my freezer. 

He discovered the rest and comfort of protection that could only be known by trusting another. 

And PEACE, oh dear friends, this precious little bird finally experienced PEACE!


 Oh ladies, how I need to be like this bird.  How I need to come to MY end so that my Savior can begin.

Lord, help me to stop fighting You during those times when I need You the most.  When I feel the loneliest and there are struggles on every front, give me the presence of mind to stop!  I need You Lord, like a bird needs the wind.  Won’t you be my Savior, my Rescuer, my Great Comforter?  Thank you, Jesus, for your big, strong hands that save me still.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6.

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Amy Riley has served in church ministry for twenty three years as a worship leader and children’s/ youth minister. She is also a certified school counselor, a writer and a lover of all things that sparkle. Amy lives with her husband and daughter in the rolling hills of Central Kentucky.


  • Kimberly Anderson

    I, too, have been that bird so many times in my life. I fear that I will be that bird over and over again in the future. We, as humans, never seem to learn the lesson that our heavenly Father will be there to take care of us, so we keep being stupid again and again. I want to stop fighting, too. If I could just loosen my grip on my problems and give them to Him……..Thank you, Amy, for your beautiful words.

  • LauraLee

    Oh how this touched my heart! So many times I have been that baby bird.. and the Lord, in his majestic power, provided “Mama Birds” throughout my life.. Amy Dailey Riley-you have been one of my “mama birds”!!