Adversity/Fear,  Introduction,  Spiritual,  Women's Issues

Here We Go!


Once again in my whack-a-doodle life, I feel the undeniable, inexplicable call from God to do something outrageous!  Unlike the callings of my youth, this one is extremely specific and really can’t be ignored.


“WRITE, AMY,” He said in His deepest and bestest God voice…






“Reach out to broken women and let them know they are loved, valued and have a purpose.”

“Introduce women to a God who loves them so much more than any love they have experienced on this earth.”

“Obey my call, Amy.”

And so, this unpredictable whirlwind of an adventure has begun.  If I’m completely, 100% honest,


I am a little skeered…  OK.  I’m ALOT skeered.


Writing this blog makes me incredibly vulnerable and who wouldn’t be scared of extreme vulnerability??

When I fully surrendered to this cray cray “calling to write” at the Women of Joy conference in March of 2018, the attacks of the evil one hit hard and deep.

You would think after thirty one years of personally knowing Jesus as my Savior that I would have an iron clad plan for combating the never relinquishing power of the evil one, but surprisingly I didn’t.  At least I didn’t have a plan that worked.

Even though I know the ole devil prowls the earth looking for those he wants to devour (I Peter 5:8),  I once again feel completely REactive instead of PROactive and certainly NOT alert or of sober mind.

And so, IT happened…

Within days of answering “the call’ and surrendering to His plan, “things” started happening.  Or, more appropriately I should say, “things” fell apart.

At work?

Hostility at every corner. Complaints, arguments, misunderstandings, broken friendships, and tsunami-sized stress  that lasted for two months without a break.

At home?

Distance from the ones I love, more arguments, HVAC disasters, a sick doggie, no time for anything of real or meaningful quality…ever.

My extended family?

Cancer diagnoses, two major surgeries, and a stroke.

At church?

Bewilderment, unrest, apathy, distractions.

My personal safety?

A 5 AM doorbell ring from the police announcing a vehicle break-in.


Yes!  All of this happened in two months.  Two incredibly difficult months…


In years past, these attacks destroyed my spirit.  In some cases, they made me completely give up on callings, opportunities, or whatever it was God was asking of me.


After all,

It is so much easier to live a life of spiritual mediocrity than to surrender to God’s will.


Doing so means the evil one rarely attacks.  Why would he?  Doing nothing is exactly what he wants us to do!

I learned this the hard way, and I’ll be honest, this option still looks quite appealing.  It can be quite comfortable to ignore the voice of God and bask in complacency.


But, this wasn’t the option I wanted.  Nope.  Not this time.

You see, I’ve experienced the sweet, sweet joy of living a sold out life for Christ and nothing, not even attacks from the evil one will stop me from following Him this time.

Trust me, ladies, there is absolutely nothing like it. Words like PEACE, WHOLENESS, and COMPLETE TRANQUILITY don’t even do justice to the awe struck wonder of standing, bathing and relishing in the presence of a loving God.

So, this time is different.  I will stay the course.  In spite of the hardship it may create, this blog has become a reality.  I will write for my Savior and answer His call.

Full disclosure:  If you’ve stumbled upon this blog looking for words of wisdom from a super Christian who has all the answers, you’ve come to the wrong place, sista!

I am flawed.

I have a big mouth, an obnoxious attitude at times, and have been unfriended on Facebook (more than once) for my inability to keep my mouth shut.

To be honest, that’s one of my biggest fears.  I know some who will read these words know my weaknesses, have experienced my (frequent) moments of indiscretion, and will be quick to point them out to the world.

But this isn’t about me.  It never has been.  It’s about Him.  I don’t know why He chose me for this endeavor, nor do I understand how He could use any broken person for His good.  But He does.

Over and over again I’ve seen Him use the flawed for fabulousness, and the broken for beauty.


So, read on, but be warned!  The words thou readest may prick thy own heart and step on thine own toes.

I’m not bashful and I don’t sugar coat the truth.  I will share The Word as boldly and loudly as I can in hopes that we can grow closer to Jesus together.


This process might hurt a little…


But in so doing, ladies, get ready for a joy unspeakable and a life so crazy full of abundant peace you won’t know what hitcha!


Of course, as I write this, I have no idea what the future holds.  But, I do know that this time, this glorious time, I won’t let fear paralyze me.

I WILL persist.

I WILL answer the call, and I will let the words of Psalm 19:14 penetrate my soul:


“May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in Your sight O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”


Blessings to all as our journey begins.

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Amy Riley has served in church ministry for twenty three years as a worship leader and children’s/ youth minister. She is also a certified school counselor, a writer and a lover of all things that sparkle. Amy lives with her husband and daughter in the rolling hills of Central Kentucky.


  • Karen

    Can’t wait to see how this all unfolds! God is so very good beyond anything we deserve. He does have a plan, He will use you for His glory and I’m sure many will be touched by your willingness to be vulnerable. Proud of you!

  • Leah

    I love this, Amy! I love your transparency and admire your obedience. I’d say this will be therapeutic for many and a blessing by to all!

  • donna redwine

    I’m so happy you have chosen this path. Writing soothes the soul and is a great way to reach many people with God’s message. You are capable and I’m glad God has chosen you for this.

  • Lorrie

    Great job, Amy. Stepping out in faith is never easy, but you did it! God has big things planned for you.

  • Marsha

    Not sure how my comment ended up under someone else’s name, but here’s my comment again:
    “Great job, Amy. Stepping out in faith is never easy, but you did it! God has big things planned for you.”

  • Cindy

    I love you! You have always followed Him and He will not fail you now. I look forward to “the rest of the story”. You have a powerful voice and a loving heart. That combination will make differences in people’s lives…..already has.

  • Sheila

    Love this Amy! You are such an inspiration! Glad that you God has called on you to do something mighty!

    Philippians 1:20 “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted.”

    I certainly pray for you and your new adventure!

  • Sky Maddox

    Any ayou are truly an inspiration! I can hear your crazy voice & expressions through reading your words! I can’t wait to read more! Love ya sister!

  • Sara

    It’s amazing how God works in our life. I am so happy you have been chosen to do this and look forward to what is next! You are a great inspiration and will keep you in prayer for your next adventure!

  • Sherri Kidd

    WOW !!! Amy , What an inspiration your obedience to the Lord to step out of your comfort zone !!! I’m so very excited for you and will definitely be praying for you on this wonderful journey !!! God bless you !!! ” Trust and obey for there is no other way but to TRUST and OBEY !!!”